
I run an in-person, peer-led support group in Raleigh, NC!

Who: The group is facilitated by Halima Flynt (me!), Vase Your Fears Owner, OCD North Carolina Board Member, and OCD advocate with a lifetime of lived experience.

What: In-person OCD support group for adults age 21+ with lived experience.

Where: This group will be held in the wonderful, comfortable, and safe space that is Takes A Village in Raleigh, NC.

Why: OCD is the worst. BUT...the OCD community is THE BEST. I have learned so much from others who experience OCD and I think this sharing of information and common experiences can be life changing. And truly life saving.

When: The group meets on the 2nd Thursday of every month, 6:30-8pm. For convenience, here are the next few dates:

October 10th, 6:30-8pm

November 14th, 6:30-8pm

December 12th, 6:30-8pm

How much does it cost? It’s FREE!

There is a suggested donation of $5 at the door, to help contribute to drinks and snacks. Emphasis on “suggested”! I don’t want $ to be a barrier to anyone joining, so if you’re not able to donate- no worries!

*Disclaimer: I am not a licensed psychologist or mental health provider. I have a lifetime of lived experience and have been in OCD recovery since 2021. This support group is not a replacement for therapy. Community connection has been so beneficial to me and I hope that it is/will be beneficial to you. I enjoy sharing my personal experiences and connecting with others. I can help provide resources but cannot give specific advice on personal issues. Please check out the International OCD Foundation and NOCD to find a provider and my talented and amazing friends over at Bull City Anxiety & OCD Treatment Center if you’re in NC!

Sign-Up Here!
